Advanced Indirect Rates


Format: E-course
Duration: Approx. 90 minutes
Instructor: Robert Jones, Left Brain Professionals
Learning Credits: 1.5 CPEs, 1.5 ATCs
*This course was recorded on June 16, 2020

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Complex organizations, those with more than one product or service offering, require advanced indirect rates to align related costs with their appropriate drivers. Creating advanced indirect rates requires a significant amount of planning and implementation. 

In this e-course, Robert Jones of Left Brain Professionals will discuss the common reasons for, and the mechanics of, creating multiple rates, including:

  • the need for advanced indirect rates
  • the advantages of multiple indirect rates
  • how multiple indirect rates are structured
  • the requirements for multiple indirect rates

A basic understanding of indirect rates either from work experience or by watching our previous e-course, Fundamentals of Indirect Rates, is recommended before joining this session. Click here to learn more.


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