Why You Shouldn’t Ignore State and Local Government Contracting

When it comes to government contracting, many businesses are fixated on the allure of federal opportunities. But those businesses might be missing out on a goldmine that’s right in their backyard. State and local government contracting offers unique advantages and untapped potential that can bring significant benefits to businesses of all sizes. In this article, we’ll explore why you should broaden your horizons and dive into the State and local markets.

Five Reasons to Pursue State and Local Opportunities

  1. A Thriving Marketplace. State and local governments are a treasure trove of contracting opportunities across various industries. Think beyond the typical federal projects – these governments need everything from fixing potholes and building bridges to keeping doctors’ computers running smoothly and providing expert advice. By ignoring State and local opportunities, businesses are leaving money on the table and limiting their customer base closer to home.
  2. Accessible and Nimble. Unlike their federal counterparts, State and local government contracting processes are streamlined and less bureaucratic. Smaller procurement teams and quicker decision-making mean businesses can adapt and respond promptly to emerging opportunities. Plus, the competitive bidding thresholds are often lower, making it easier for businesses to compete and secure contracts. It’s like the fast lane to success!
  3. Local Expertise and Relationships. Contracting with State and local governments allows businesses to connect with their communities on a deeper level. These governments understand the unique challenges and needs of their regions, and they value vendors with local presence and expertise. By engaging in State and local government contracting, businesses can leverage their knowledge, relationships, and networks to become trusted partners who truly understand the community. It’s all about being the go-to guru in your neighborhood!
  4. Economic Growth and Stability. State and local government contracts don’t just benefit businesses – they contribute to regional economic growth. These contracts create jobs, support local businesses, and drive infrastructure development. Plus, they often prioritize diversity by supporting small businesses, minority-owned enterprises, and local suppliers. By diversifying their government contracting portfolio, businesses tap into a stable and reliable source of revenue that can weather economic downturns. It’s like having a safety net for your business!
  5. Innovation and Collaboration. State and local governments are always on the lookout for fresh ideas and innovative solutions to complex challenges. By collaborating with them, businesses can showcase their expertise, creativity, and technological advancements. The result? Governments benefit from cutting-edge approaches, and businesses gain recognition as trusted partners and industry leaders. It’s a win-win situation that sets businesses apart from their competitors. Who doesn’t want to be the cool kid on the government block?
a graphic for "Diversifying Your Government Contracting: Strategies for State and Local Opportunities" course


Don’t be blinded by the federal government contracting spotlight. State and local government contracting offer immense potential and a host of benefits. By diversifying your contracting strategy and targeting these markets, you unlock a thriving marketplace, access nimble procurement processes, establish meaningful local relationships, contribute to regional economic growth, and foster innovation through collaborative partnerships. So, why limit your opportunities? Embrace the potential of State and local government contracting and pave the way for a successful future. Your business and your community will thank you!

To learn more about pursuing State and local government contracting opportunities, including how to develop a strategy to engage these markets, check out Govology’s on-demand webinar presentation by Dr. Shana Nicholson titled Diversifying Your Government Contracting: Strategies for State and Local Opportunities.

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